"SHERMER ACADEMY"'s design is to invoke the feeling of nostalgia to re-kindle those lost emotions of what once was. The first collection, titled "Jude Phoenix" hones in on the late actor, River Jude Phoenix. Wanting to honor and create a symbol of being young and reckless. The design direction delicately touches on the concepts of the beauty and spontenaiety of life and death. Diving further into his career, the collection makes it a point to focus on his name "Phoenix" who was once a blazing star in the public eye throughout the 80's and 90's. The color pallete utilizes blues and yellows, with blue symbolizing the flowing river of youth and the contrasting yellow representing sunflowers held by Mike Waters' character, Phoenix, at Bob's funeral from the film "My Private Idaho". The brand's signature arch logo took inspiration from "The Viper Room" a nightclub in Hollywood where the late actor Phoenix unfortunately passed away due to a drug overdose. This rare collection is very limited, don't miss out.